Colisée has faced headwinds in terms of improving quality of life for its teams, as there is no quick fix for the impact of the multiple crises our teams have weathered over the past three years.
Facilities in our network and elsewhere are affected by the perceived lack of appeal held by caregiver careers. The levels of pressure faced by teams and the HR crisis are further complicated by the sporadic resurgence of COVID-19 outbreaks. These lead to absences, and make it extremely difficult to organise teams in a cohesive manner; the Mission Committee’s report shows that the rate of absenteeism rose slightly in 2022.
Results of efforts initiated in 2022 to improve quality of life for our teams
All this being said, these difficulties have not prevented Colisée from achieving tangible and encouraging results. The rate of staff turnover dropped to 20% in 2022, down from 23.5% a year previously. Workplace injuries have also been reduced, with the accident frequency rate falling by almost three points – from 31.9 to 29 – between 2021 and 2022. Elsewhere, indicators such as the seriousness of workplace accidents remained stable between 2021 and 2022, indicating that efforts must be pursued in order to achieve the objectives set for 2025.
Deployed in the four European countries in which Colisée operates and gathers annual data, the gender equality index held stable at 94/100 in 2022, and remains higher than the objective set (92/100). This is a source of considerable satisfaction and a major milestone for Colisée’s mission, and one that should be maintained through to 2025.
In 2023, Colisée will set out to anchor these achievements with the publication of its staff NPS. With the concept of symmetry of attention between residents and professionals structuring the network’s initiatives, this indicator will provide greater transparency (as in the first pillar) about how our teams are feeling. Where respondents have provided their consent, their opinions will also be published anonymously.
The key role of training
Staff training is a major pathway to progress for improving our teams’ quality of life at work, and their professional development. As such, Colisée offers various training options providing professional qualifications: in 2022, 11.2% of team members were signed up to one of these training programmes, a new indicator which will provide comparative data between 2023 and 2024. The network is also involved in training through apprenticeship, and in 2022 hosted some 520 apprentices.
Several programmes have been designed in order to develop and accelerate staff training. The first component of this is being deployed in Italy, and is made up of the OSS Academy and the Executive MBA for Residence Director. The Academy is a six-month training programme for caregiver careers, and is based around courses and internships in medical care homes; it delivers a State-recognized diploma. The MBA, meanwhile, has been established in partnership with the LIUC Business School, and is a two-year course. Site directors are offered a curriculum focusing on new challenges in the senior care sector, notably those of a regulatory nature.
The second component takes place in France and is named E-CLORE. This is a digital training course offered to all Colisée’s caregivers (agents des services hospitaliers, or ASH), and supplements the existing training course. Over the course of 80 hours of remote learning, this is a pre-qualifying training programme constituting the first step toward full caregiver certification. By the end of 2022, the programme had over 600 participants, of which 40% had already finalised and completed their course and were preparing to move on to the next phase.
The final initiative is the CORE International Academy, which is deployed at the European level. In 2022, European facility directors participated in a leadership program featuring a masterclass with inspiring personalities, workshops and e-learning modules. The main objectives were for participants to seek inspiration, reflect on issues together, and create a community of ideas. This initiative also draws upon the support of a quartet of managing directors in each country, which serves as the driving force for sharing national issues and cultural approaches vis-a-vis the Colisée mission and CORE values1.
1. In French, CORE is an acronym for COhesion, Respect for others and Engagement.